What the Homeowner Can Do
Mosquitoes breed only in water. Mosquitoes must have water for at least 7 days to complete their development. Any standing water may breed mosquitoes. Control measures should be directed at their breeding places.
Ten Commandments of Mosquito Control
- Eliminate all standing water. Check your yard and eliminate all standing water in:
- Roof gutters and rain barrels
- Boats and birdbaths
- Cans, bottles, and plastic bags
- Flower pots and vases
- Unused swimming and wading pools
- Wheelbarrows and mortar tubs
- Ornamental pools and fountains
- Cellars and crawl spaces
- Old tires and tire ruts.
- Flatten all types of open cans and containers or puncture holes in bottom
- Completely seal cesspools and screen all vents
- Clean clogged roof gutters and drain flat roofs so no water stays
- Cover all standing receptacles, such as rain barrels in rural areas with netting
- Empty and refill outdoor bird baths every few days
- Stock with fish or aerate garden pools and ponds
- Tilt wheelbarrows and machines with containers to prevent holding water
- Empty watering cans and wading pools after using
- Dispose of old tires, or anything that holds water