The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), committed to developing transportation improvements that best balance transportation needs, the environment, community concerns and costs, will hold a Public Information Center (PJC) to provide local residents and businesses with information on the Route 40 Atlantic County Drainage Project. You are encouraged to actively participate by providing comments at the meeting, by mail, or by e-mail.
Please come at a time that is convenient for you. You will have an opportunity to review exhibits of the draft study findings, ask questions and discuss any concerns with NJDOT representatives and the Designer. Property owners with rental units are advised that tenants are also invited and encouraged to participate.
The project is located in two distinct parts: from mile post (MP) 60.48 (Naples Avenue) to MP 61.43 (Bayport Avenue) in Egg
Harbor Township, and from MP 63.42 to MP 63.48 (ramp from Route 40 eastbound to West End Avenue) in Atlantic City. Route 40 is an evacuation route that experiences flooding conditions, primarily due to tidal surges from the Lakes Bay and Beach Thorofare.
The Proposed Project
Egg Harbor Township: The project involves raising the roadway (including sidewalks and driveways) as much as two and a half feet, upgrading an existing drainage outfall at Venice Avenue, and extending an existing sea wall at Brenta Avenue approximately 800 feet to the east to help mitigate tidal surge flooding. As part of the improvements, existing underground and aerial utilities will need to be relocated.
Atlantic City: The project involves installing sheeting along the ramp from Route 40 eastbound to West End Avenue to the
vicinity of North Harrisburg Avenue and upgrading an existing drainage outfall to mitigate tidal surge flooding that occurs at the ramp. Existing aerial utilities will need to be temporarily relocated.
Some minor environmental impacts will result from the proposed improvements. NJDOT will secure the appropriate permit approvals for wetlands, riparian zones, and coastal areas, and will provide mitigation for environmental impacts, as necessary.
Proposed Noise Barriers
As part of the environmental process, a traffic noise analysis was completed for the project following federal and state standards. The analysis determined that noise levels in front of the Bayport on Lakes Bay and Bay Club on Lakes Bay developments would be reduced by constructing noise barriers along Route 40 eastbound.
A noise barrier is a permanent structure primarily designed to reduce traffic noise from a roadway; it will not eliminate all traffic noise. Noise barriers will be constructed at no cost to property owners. Note that, if the proposed noise barriers are constructed, trees and landscaping along Route 40 within the limits of the noise barriers may be removed and will be replaced with trees or plantings.
If constructed, the noise barrier on the Bayport property would be approximately 908 feet long, eight feet high, constructed outside NJ DOT right-of-way, and would replace the existing decorative fence between Route 40 and the first row of homes.
Additionally, the proposed noise barrier on the Bay Club property would be approximately 321 feet long, nine feet high, and
constructed within NJDOT right-of-way.
NJDOT has sent a noise barrier survey form only to property owners/residents that would benefit from proposed traffic noise mitigation measures.
Project Schedule
Complete Final Design: Winter 2025
Start Construction: Spring 2025
Complete Construction: Spring 2029
Please submit comments by Friday, November 8, 2024 to:
More Information
For further information after November 8th, please contact:
Sandra Opoku, Regional Coordinator
NJDOT Office of Government & Community Relations
PO Box 600, Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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